Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Mom! Mom! I think somethings wrong,
my lips are turning blue, am I going to be Ok? "
a panicked Kieran cried out to me soon after he had been holding some blue coloured paper money that he had made in his mouth.
I reassured him that blue lips generally signify that we aren't breathing but if he could talk, it meant he was breathing and he was fine.

I unfortunately do not feel fine...
the endless details and clutter of everyday real life are strangling me...
and I can't breathe properly in my head.


Tad Barney said...


Dianne Forrest Trautmann said...

I agree with Tad. Meditation, or a field trip to an art museum or fabric store or park to have a visual change of venue always helps when the routine of daily life overwhelms you.